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Factory Tour

Do you know that whenever there are foreign buyers come to Miyazaki, our company is always a must visit on their list?

At aging chamber, where the garlic is aged

We recently host buyers from 5 continents to our factory for a tour, showing them how do we manufacture black garlic and all the other processed products made from it.

Introducing the products to buyers from USA & UK.

I myself was amazed the very first day I stepped into the factory.

We all know Japan is kinda notorious for their rules, sure to some extent it can be irritating and incomprehensible, but when it comes to food manufacturing facilities, you can never complain there are too many rules for the sake of your own good.

The president talking to buyer from AUS

Here at MOMIKI, we take food safety and security very seriously! With strict inspection each step of the manufacturing process and lots of tests before shipping out.

You can rest assure that every bite of our products are in their best conditions!

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